The following sample Caché (MUMPS) routines, ZGSPTVD and ZGSPTVDX, were written for a Hospital which was converting from Compucare's Affinity product to Meditech's Magic. The routines abstracted data from the patient visit and demographic files and created a Caché global (^ZGSPTVD). This global could then be listed (and captured for inclusion into an Excel spreadsheet) or converted into a UNIX file. A rudimentary menu and on-line documentation were included in the routines. ZGSPTVD is the primary abstracting routine. Note: Data and names changed to protect confidentiality.
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ZGSPTVD ;ABSTRACT & OUTPUT PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC & VISIT RECORDS FOR ___ HOSPITAL;12/07/2000;GSS ; See also ZGSPTVDX ; ; Use START^ZGSPTVD (or just call ZGSPTVD) for user selection of function. ; To job this routine, use entry JOB^ZGSPTVD, otherwise use ONLINE^ZGSPTVD ; To convert ^ZGSPTVD to a UNIX text file, use entry UNIX^ZGSPTVDX ; If this routine is Jobbed, then it can be stopped by setting ^ZGSPTOP=1 ; To display records sequentially (after compiling them) use LISTREC^ZGSPTVD ; Use DOC^ZGSPTVD to list documentation regarding the functionality of ZGSPTVD. ; ; This routine creates the global ^ZGSPTVD of patient demographic and ; visit data based on MAXCT and START (obtained from function $$ASK^ZGSPTVDX). ; ; See DOC tag for output record format. ; ; Entry point for user selection of function START N IN W #!!,$P($T(ZGSPTVD),";",2) W !!?35,"User Menu" W !,"Select, by letter, one of the following options:" W !,"A - On-Line Abstraction (for sample records from database)" W !,"D - On-Line Documentation" W !,"J - Job the Abstraction (goes through entire database -takes a LONG time)" W !,"L - List records found from a previous abstraction" W !,"U - Create a UNIX text file from a previous abstraction" W !,"Q - Quit" R !!,"Option: ",IN S:$A(IN)>96 IN=$C($A(IN)-32) G START:IN=""!'$F("A\D\J\L\U\Q",IN) I IN="A" D ONLINE G START I IN="D" D DOC^ZGSPTVDX G START I IN="J" D JOB G QUIT I IN="L" D LISTREC^ZGSPTVDX G START I IN="U" D UNIX^ZGSPTVDX G QUIT QUIT Q ; ; Entry point for Jobbing this routine JOB S ONLINE=0 ;abstraction jobbed S MAXCT="A" ;go through all the ^PVZ records S START=0 ;start at the beginning of ^PVZ (the visit file) G BGN ; ; Entry point for on-line (user specification of parameters) entry ONLINE W #,$P($T(ZGSPTVD),";",2) ;display program header .. comment out to job S X=$$ASK^ZGSPTVDX Q:X="." ;get MAXCT and START from user S ONLINE=1 ;abstraction not jobbed S MAXCT=$P(X,"~") ;maximum number of records S START=$P(X,"~",2) ;visit starting nodal value W "...Working" G BGN ; ; Use JOB or ONLINE as entry points only!!! BGN S (PCT,RCT,TVCT,VCT)=0,T="~" S VIO=START-1 K ^ZGSPTDX,^ZGSPTVD,^ZGSPTOP ;delete all previously compiled data...if any S ^ZGSPTVD=$H ;store starting time F S VIO=$O(^VZ(VIO)) Q:VIO=""!$G(^ZGSPTOP) D I MAXCT'="A" Q:VCT=MAXCT . ; Increment total visit count . S TVCT=TVCT+1 . ; Indicate routine is abstracting by displaying dots . I TVCT#100=0 W "." . ; Get visit data . D GETVST Q:REC1="" . ; Get demographic data . D GETDG . ; Store patient demographic and visit record after removing any control characters . S RCT=RCT+1 . S ^ZGSPTVD(RCT)=ROD_T_ROV . ; Increment visit counter . S VCT=VCT+1 ; If going through entire database then get those patients without visit data I MAXCT="A" D NOVST ;Store routine completion date/time and visit count S $P(^ZGSPTVD,T,2)=$H_T_TVCT_T_VCT_T_PCT_T_RCT Q ; ; Include those patients w/o visits NOVST ; MNAME set to null as w/o visits there is no reference to a mother in the visit file S (MNAME,PIO)="" F S PIO=$O(^PZ(PIO)) Q:PIO=""!$G(^ZGSPTOP) D . ; Patient's record already output as part of a visit . Q:$G(^ZGSPTDX(PIO))'="" . ; Get patient demographic record to store . D GETDG . ; Store patient demographic record after removing any control characters . S RCT=RCT+1 . S ^ZGSPTVD(RCT)=$$RMCTL(ROD) Q ; ; Get visit data from ^VZ based on VIO (internal visit index number) GETVST S ROV="" S REC1=$G(^VZ(VIO,1)) ;get primary record for this visit ; If no primary record then there's a problem and store VIO in ^ZGDPTVX I REC1="" S ^ZGSPTVX(VIO,1)="NO DATA" Q ; Get patient's internal index number S PIO=$P(REC1,T,1) ; Get admit date S %DN=$P(REC1,T,2) D 300^%DO S ADMITDT=$E(%DS,5,8)_$E(%DS,1,4) ; Get patient's account number S VISITACCTN=$P(REC1,T,12) ; Get service AKA patient location and patient type S PTLOC="" S:$P(REC1,T,13)'="" PTLOC=$P($G(^DCPSZ($P(REC1,T,13),1)),T,5) ; Get admitting physician ;S ADMITPHYS=$P(REC1,T,3) ; Get external ID of admitting physician ;S:ADMITPHYS'="" ADMITPHYS=$P($G(^DCPHZ(ADMITPHYS,1)),T,5) ; Get primary attending physician S PRIMPHYS=$P($G(^VZ(VIO,551,1,1)),T,2) ; Get external ID of primary attending physician S:PRIMPHYS'="" PRIMPHYS=$P($G(^DCPHZ(PRIMPHYS,1)),T,5) ; Get primary diagnosis internal ID S DIAGNOSIS=$P($G(^VZ(VIO,91)),T,11) ; Get IDC9 code - diagnosis description S:DIAGNOSIS'="" DIAGNOSIS=$P($G(^DCICZ(DIAGNOSIS,1)),T,1)_"-"_$P($G(^DCICZ(DIAGNOSIS,1)),T,3) ; Get discharge date S %DN=$P(REC1,T,4) D 300^%DO S DISCHGDT=$E(%DS,5,8)_$E(%DS,1,4) ; Get discharge disposition S DISCHGDISP=$P(REC1,T,5) S:DISCHGDISP'="" DISCHGDISP=$P($G(^ZSDVZ(DISCHGDISP,1)),T,2) ; _"-"_$P($G(^ZSDVZ(DISCHGDISP,1)),T,3) ;Discharge disposition description ; Get MRI Patient Flag..if flag=NO then visit registered in error and has been cancelled S MRIPTFLAG=$P(REC1,T,9) ; Get mother's internal visit number if a mother's ID is placed in child's visit record ; MNAME used to populate the demographic portion of the returned string ; This was done since mother's name originally pulled from demog of pt, not visit db S MNAME="",MIVN=$P($G(^VZ(VIO,71)),T,4) ; Get mother's name..if on record for that visit I MIVN'="" S MIPN=$P($G(^VZ(MIVN,1)),T) S:MIPN'="" MNAME=$P($G(^PZ(MIPN,1)),T,2) ; Create output record (including patient demographic data) S ROV=VIO_T_ADMITDT_T_VISITACCTN_T_PTLOC_T_PRIMPHYS_T_DIAGNOSIS_T_DISCHGDT_T_DISCHGDISP_T_MRIPTFLAG Q ; ; Get patient demographic record based on PIO (patient's ^PZ index number) GETDG ; If this patient's demographic data already captured then use that data S ROD="" I $G(^ZGSPTDX(PIO))'="" S ROD=^ZGSPTDX(PIO) Q ; Define node one record S R1=$G(^PZ(PIO,1)) ; Get patient name S PTNAM=$P(R1,T,2) ; Get patient's social security number S SSN=$P(R1,T,6) ; Get DOB as mmddyyyy S %DN=$P(R1,T,3) D 300^%DO S DOB=$E(%DS,5,8)_$E(%DS,1,4) ; Get gender S SEX=$P(R1,T,4) ; Get patient's MRUN S MRUN=$P($G(^PZ(PIO,2)),T) ; Get patient's AKAs S AKANUM=0,AKAS="" F S AKANUM=$O(^PZ(PIO,504,AKANUM)) Q:AKANUM="" D . S AKA=$G(^PZ(PIO,504,AKANUM,1)) Q:AKA=PTNAM ;AKA same as patient's current name . S:AKANUM>1 AKAS=AKAS_"|" ;use '|' as multiple AKAs delimeter . S AKAS=AKAS_AKA ; Get the PIO (MERGDTO) then MRUN into which this chart has been merged S MERGDTO=$P($G(^PZ(PIO,31)),T,3) S:MERGDTO'="" MERGDTO=$G(^PZ(MERGDTO,2)) ;I MERGDTO'="" W !,PIO," ",^PZ(PIO,2)," ",MERGDTO ; Create demographic record S ROD=PIO_T_MRUN_T_PTNAM_T_DOB_T_SEX_T_MNAME_T_AKAS_T_SSN_T_MERGDTO ; Create demographic cross reference file S ^ZGSPTDX(PIO)=ROD,PCT=PCT+1 Q ; ; Remove any control characters from string. RMCTL(S); N I,s S s="" F I=1:1:$L(S) I $A($E(S,I))>31 S s=s_$E(S,I) Q s |
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ZGSPTVDX ;Sub-routines for ZGSPTVD;01/08/2001;GSS ; Q ; ; Ask number of records to compile & starting index number ASK() N A R !!,"Number of records to compile (#/A/.): ",PTCT I PTCT'=".",PTCT'?.N,PTCT'="A" W !,"Please enter a number, 'A' for All or '.' to Quit" G A I PTCT="." Q "." B W !,"The current range of patient visit index numbers is 1 to ",$O(^VZ("IE"),-1),"." R !,"Begin with what patient visit index (internal) number: ",IINDEX W !!,"Number of records to compile will be ",PTCT," and" W !,"the beginning index number will be ",IINDEX,", OK? " R OK I OK=""!'$F("Y\y",OK) W !,"Enter 'Y' or 'y' if values" G A Q PTCT_"~"_IINDEX ; ; Output ^ZGSPTVD to a UNIX file UNIX N OK,RCT,UNIXFN,VIO D HEADER I $G(^ZGSPTVD)="" Q R !!,"Output the compiled data to which (new) UNIX file: ",UNIXFN I UNIXFN=""!(UNIXFN=".") G NOUNIX R !,"OK to create UNIX file now? ",OK I '$F("Y\y",OK) G NOUNIX W !,"...creating UNIX file ",UNIXFN O UNIXFN:("WNS"):3 E W "..unable to open ",UNIXFN,"..must be a new file" G UNIX S VIO="" F RCT=1:1 S VIO=$O(^ZGSPTVD(VIO)) Q:VIO="" U UNIXFN W ^ZGSPTVD(VIO),! U 0 C UNIXFN U 0 W !,"UNIX file ",UNIXFN," created with ",RCT," records." Q ; Unix file not created NOUNIX W !,"UNIX file not created" Q ; ; Output records from ^ZGSPTVD in order compiled LISTREC N A D HEADER I $G(^ZGSPTVD)="" Q K S A="" F S A=$O(^ZGSPTVD(A)) Q:A="" W !!,^ZGSPTVD(A) Q ; ; Header information for data output HEADER I $G(^ZGSPTVD)="" W !!,"No compiled data in Caché file...please compile data first." Q W !!,"You are about to output the results from a previous compilation of patient" W !,"demographic and visit data." W !,"This data is from a compilation which started " W $ZD($P(^ZGSPTVD,"~")),!," and ended ",$ZD($P(^ZGSPTVD,"~",2)) I $P(^ZGSPTVD,"~",2)="" W "...NOTE THAT THIS RUN WAS NOT COMPLETELY COMPILED!" W !,"The output contains data from a total of ",$P(^ZGSPTVD,"~",3)," patient visit records," W !,$P(^ZGSPTVD,"~",5)," patient demographic records, and consists of a total of " W !,$P(^ZGSPTVD,"~",6)," records." Q ; ; On-line documentation regarding the functionality of ZGSPTVD DOC N IN,LINE,VERBIAGE S IN="" F LINE=0:1 S VERBIAGE=$P($T(DOCSTRT+LINE),";",2) Q:VERBIAGE="%%" D Q:IN="." . I LINE#22=0,LINE>0 W !,"Depress ENTER to continue or enter a period ('.') to quit: " R IN Q:IN="." W # . W !,VERBIAGE I IN'="." R !,"Extent of documentation..depress ENTER ",IN Q ; DOCSTRT ;Output of Patient Demographic and Visit Records for The ___ Hospital ; ;The purpose of the ZGSPTVD routine is to sequentially go through HFH's ;Affinity System for patient visit and demographic records and abstract ;the pertinent fields for conversion. ; ;The first portion of the abstract goes through the patient visit file ;and abstracts the relevant fields from the visit record as well as the ;corresponding patient demographics file. The fields abstracted are ;then concatenated into one record for each patient visit. ; ;After going through the patient visit file, patients which are not ;represented in the foregoing (patients with no visits) have their ;relevant demographic fields concatenated to form a record. ;Note that the patient visit fields will not be populated as there ;is no data for those fields for those patients. ; ;During the abstract, a MUMPS/Cache file is created which contains the ;records formed during the abstraction. These records can then be ;output as a 'on-screen' Listing (option 'L' from User Menu). This ;'on-screen' listing can be captured for printing to a remote device ;or alternately, captured for inclusion into an Excel spreadsheet. ;Additionally, a UNIX file (option 'U' from User Menu) can be created. ; ;The record format for the output (Listing and UNIX file) is one string ;of 18 fields per record. ; ;Note: Primary field delimeter is the tilde '~' and the ; secondary delimeter is the pipe '|'. ; ;The record layout follows: ; Prim. Excel ; Field# Column Description ; 1 A *Patient internal ID number ; 2 B Patient's MRUN (Medical Record Unit Number) ; 3 C Patient's name (Last,First Middle) ; 4 D Patient's DOB (Date of Birth) as MMDDYYYY ; 5 E Patient's Gender (Sex) M=Male, F=Female ; 6 F Mother's name ; 7 G Aliases (AKAs) with multiple names separated by the ; secondary delimeter ; 8 H SSN (Social Security Number) ; 9 I This MRUN merged into this MRUN (if field valued) ; 10 J *Visit internal ID number ; 11 K Visit Admit Date ; 12 L Visit Account Number ; 13 M Patient Location/Type ; 14 N Primary Attending Physician Number ; 15 O Diagnosis (ICD-9) ; 16 P Discharge Date as MMDDYYYY ; 17 Q Discharge Disposition (number) ; 18 R MRI Patient Flag ; ;* - Fields for use by programmer for debugging (not required by hospital) ; ;That is, the field layout looks like the following: ; Pt Int#~MRUN~Name~DOB~Sex~Mother's Name~Alias1|Alias2|...|Aliasn~SSN~ ; Merged to MRUN~Visit Int#~Visit Admit Date~Visit Acct#~Pt Location or type~ ; Primary Attending Physician#~Diagnosis~Discharge Date~ ; Discharge Disposition~MRI Patient Flag ; ;An example record follows (for display purposes, it has been wrapped after ; the Visit Internal ID): ;279610~504329~LAST,FIRST~01011974~M~~LAST,FIRST MI~000-00-0000~~17663190386~ ;01011995~34977181~OPLAB~0351~V78.1-SCREEN-DEFIC ANEMIA NEC~11211995~01~Y ;%%;This line ends not remove |